viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010

Organizaciones de América Latina sobre Klimaforum10 - Latinamerican organizations on Klimaforum10

Organizaciones mexicanas, muy destacadamente, la Red Mexicana ante el Libre Comercio, RMALC, fueron a la Cumbre Mundial de los Pueblos por el Cambio Climático, en Cochabamba, Bolivia, entre otras cosas, a impulsar un ataque contra la promoción del Klimaforum10, México Can Cun, con el posible apoyo de otras grandes organizaciones mexicanas que recientemente se han unido en un frente abierto hacia Can Cun 2010. Este ataque se materializa en el "Mensaje de organizaciones latinoamericanas sobre Klimaforum10" que abajo enviamos, para su conocimiento. RMALC se ha apoyado en organizaciones con fuerte liga internacional para desatar una campaña internacional contra la promoción del Klimaforum10 en Can Cun. El Comité Mexicano Promotor del Klimaforum10, México-Can Cun, continúa abierto, en sus reuniones semanales y en sus asambleas,  a todos aquellos interesados en esta propuesta, en la Declaración del Klimaforum09 y su seguimiento al 2010 y en la eliminación de las falsas soluciones al cambio climático. Abajo la respuesta que he enviado de urgencia a las redes internacionales ligadas con el cambio climático, para su conocimiento.


The Danish Board did a great work in the preparation and realization of the Klimaforum09. We admire them and we are in full agreement with their principles, their political plataform and their Declaration that we signed in december 2009 in Copenhague.

Myself, I have been an ecologist with near 25 years of work and I have participated in the antinuclear mouvement in the 80s, in the anti megaprojects and the anti automovile campaigns in the 90s, in the democratization of Mexico cy for 20 years; and founder of the degrowth mouvement in México. ECOMUNIDADES, founded in 2005, that continues the work of the Foro Regional Ecologista de la Cuenca de México, founded in 1991, that contiued the work of the Valle de México Comission of the Pacto de Grupos Ecologistas, founded in 1985. ECOMUNIDADES, as Foro Ecologista,have never received any funding from any organization and have worked without any infraestrcture but our homes and with very low cost equipment and with very minor donations form citizens. We're degrowth people.
I certainly disagree with this attack against Klimaforum10, México Can Cun promotion. I dont think that Klimaforum intiative responded to the european or danish context; it was fully internationalistic initiative. It can be used everywhere, including any country of Latinamerica or México, to enhance international cooperation. There is nothing in Klimaforum organization thats contrary to the reality of our struggles and our indentity; It has proven to be a great instrument of international unification as the process of the Declaration of the Klimaforum09 has confirmed. Now, most mexican social groups have read this Declaration, difused by the Tematic World Social Forum, recently celebrated in Mexico Cy. Klimaforum initiative enhances Unity in Diversity, not Unity in Uniformity, as it has been the tradition at all levels, in our countries in Lationoamerica. I think that the climate summits forums organization should be decided by people form all continents and not only by a certain sector of continentally united networks. Many authentic voices could be excluded this way; Many autonomuos local groups and diverse climate conscious groups colud be excluded. We desperately need respect for diversity in Latinoamerica.  This message of Lationamerican organizations endangers diversity debates in Can Cun Meetings.
I think there is many people in México, in Latinoamerica and in the world who wants a Klimaforum to be held in Can Cun during the COP-16. Specially, grass roots mouvements and autonomic groups.  We will continue to promote the Klimaforum 10, Mexico Can Cun, because we're a very legitimate voice in matters of climate change. We invite this organizations and all grass roots mouvements in Latinoamerica and in the world, to ask for good information regarding the Klimaforum09 and the Klimaforum10 promotion and investigate the real background of the groups involved in the Promotion Mexican Comittee of the Klimaforum10 Mexico Can Cun. We're transparent and horizontal as any traditional ecologists groups of the world. Sorry for my faulty or very deffective expression in English. I'm a villager from Mexico Cy,

Miguel Valencia
Red Ecologista Autónoma de la Cuenca de México


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