viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009



En este taller se trató de explicar las maneras de llevar a la practica el descrecimiento. Propuse que iniciarmos un dialogo internacional sobre temas de interes comun, como los siguintes:

1.- El papel del Estado en el crecimento

2.- Alterrnativas al empleo y reduccion del tiempo de trabajo

3.- Libre Comercio y sus efectos en la sociedad y la ecologia

4.- La legislacion y los experimentos de vida alternativa

5.- Accion conjunta mundial de los grupos de descrecim,iento

Ha causado cierta impresion entre los asistentes a este taller, la triste situacion social y ecologica de nuestro pais que he presentado y la liga que he senalado existe entre la firma del Tratado de Libre Comercio de America del Norte, la colonizacion de 500 anos de nuestro pais y la formidable corrupcion historica de los politicos mexicanos derivada de la influencia catolica, y la deplorable situacion de Mexico en estos momentos.


By Miguel Valencia, from ¡DESCRECIMIENTO O COLAPSO!, RED NACIONAL MEXICANA ( Mexican national de-growth network). November 29, 2009
1 What? 
What are the contents of your degrowth movement?
It includes an agreement or consensus concerning extraction, as well as of export, import and national consumption of oil; some agreements on water, waste and agriculture issues; it includes some capacities in appropriate technology, in local interchanges; in social work with environmental conflicts; it includes reflections on philosophy, history, State, democracy, sociology, finance, peace, and, of course, on economics and politics. Includes experiences of nearly 3 years of work in degrowth promotion activities, like conferences, chats, colloquia, seminars and direct action.

Our movement is integrated by social action groups; regional and local ecology groups, students and professors, writers or thinkers; a distinguished artist. As part of the network we have a blog and a Goggle group with a data base of around 100 persons.

On the other hand, ECOMUNIDADES, the Mexico City autonomous ecologist network, the group that initiated this movement, has a 23 year experience (this new group founded in 2005 continues the work of the old Foro Regional Ecologista del Valle de México, founded in 1991) in ecological action in urban mobility and urbanization; in the resistance to excessive transportation, water trans-basin transfers, waste incinerators, high-rises, urbanization of city surrounding woods and other urban mega-projects in Mexico City. Besides, we have collaborated with Mexico Cy district or quarter neighbours more than 15 years, in mobility, water, waste and organizational issues.

2 Why? What is the special background for the arisen of the movement in your country?
 The last 27 years of neoliberalism rule that has generated five world class Mexican billionaires in Forbes Magazine, one of them, Carlos Slim, now considered the second richest man in the world; 55 % of the total population below the line of poverty; 90% of our rivers highly polluted; 85 % of our forests and jungles lost in the last three decades;  70 % of the population living in urban zones;  15 years of  high rates of migration and North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA, operation; more than 1500 deaths of migrants every year in the deserts of USA, near the border or in the Bravo river in the border; around 30 persons brutally tortured and killed ( some decapitated) every day in  the last 3 years; around 800 young women violated, tortured for gore performances, killed and buried in the desert of Ciudad Juarez, a border city, in the last ten years;  a social fighter disappeared or brutally killed around every fortnight; wage levels at least ten times under the USA levels and having 70% less buying capacity than 30 years ago wages;   90% of impunity regarding crime;   80% of the fiscal income assigned to paying internal and external public debts; enormous expenditure in army,  police and internal security systems;  90% of the banking operations controlled by foreign banks, the majority controlled by in Spanish banks ; more than 50% of electrical generation produced by companies controlled by foreign multinationals (most them Spanish); gas and gasoline distribution controlled by Spanish capitals; more than 10 big monopolies created in 20 years;   fast disappearance of peasant and artisan life in the last 15 years and a language lost every 5 years;  most able young peasants, artisans, workers, professionals, students, scientists, scholars, migrating every year to foreign rich countries; 25 years of continuous loss of labour conquests and, in these years, an average increase of around two working hours a day;  having extreme right wing neoliberals ruling the country since 2000; a fraudulent presidential election in 2006 generating a great political and social unrest; a continuous and severe social and ecologic decline during  the last 25 years,  exacerbated after the strong  economic crisis that started in 2008; this economic crisis is the worst in the country in 77 years; soaring levels of corruption, impunity and drug traffic violence. Rapid decline in oil extraction; Middle class great disenchantment and frustration, peoples despair, desolation and rejection for political parties (growing disdain for democratic institutions). Mexico increasingly recognized as a failing State.

Ivan Illich's books and conferences, from 1969 to 2000; Jean Robert chats, conferences, seminars, books, in the last 40 years.  A small radical ecologist movement rise in the 80s. The foundation of the Foro Regional Ecologista del Valle de México in 1991, based mainly in Ivan Illich, Murray Bookchin writings. ECOMUNIDADES, Mexico Cy autonomous ecologist network foundation in 2005.
3 How? Which are the closest co-operating partners in your country?
Jean Robert, Adriana Matalonga, Edith Gutiérrez, Mauricio Villegas, Dominique Jonard, René Torres Bejarano, José Arias, Américo Saldìvar, Edgardo Mota, Rafael Huacuz,  Jaime Lagunez, Patricia Gutiérrez- Otero, José Ignacio Félix Díaz, Dulce Karina Fierros, Gabriel Eduardo Gallegos, Roberto Villa.  Ecologists, environmentalists; social activists; university professors; professionals: ECOMUNIDADES, Red Ecologista de la Cuenca de México; Red en Defensa de la Ciudad de México; En Defensa de la Naturaleza, EDENAT; Red en Defensa de la Ciudad de México; La Otra Campaña, linked to Zapatistas, EZLN;  Asociación de Tecnología Apropiada;  Grupo de Descrecimiento- UNAM; Profesores y estudiantes de la sección de posgrado e Investigación de la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica del IPN; Otra Ecología; Círculo Autónomo Feminista; Ecologistas de la Miguel Hidalgo; Espejo Polanco; Ecología política en la UAM- Xochimilco; Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNAM; posgrados de la Facultad de Economía; Departamento de  Teoría y Diseño de la UAM Cuajimalpa: Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla; Frente Cívico de Morelos; Grupo Respira Ambiente- Universidad Iberoamericana Santa Fe.

4 How? How do you combine degrowth-theory and degrowth-praxis?
We try to make a real change in our life style towards a simple slow life; some of the people involved with no automobile or mobile phone use; avoiding  drinking bottled water and meat consumption; the cultivation of own vegetables and the participation in local interchanges. Some are involved with appropriate technology or in collective experiments in degrowth. We organize forums, colloquies, seminars, conferences.  We also support movements against megaprojects. We accompany national movements in human rights, peace, syndicalism, women's rights; we have political action on special issues like environmental impact, oil, water, social, urban and ecological public policy; We're organizing  a tour of conferences and meetings on degrowth in Mexico's universities and degrowth groups for Serge Latouche, from France.

5 How, internationally? How can we strengthen international co-operation?
Contributing with good ideas on how to strengthen the degrowth process. Through collective international activities; Face to face dialogues: workshops; colloquia, seminar; meetings, marches, visits, festivals, pilgrimages, fiestas, collective trips ; hospitalities; gifts; linking local, national and international degrowth groups and networks; dissemination of degrowth activities via Web blogs and sites;
International feedback and coordination; international action plan. Directory by country


Miguel Valencia

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